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Junior English Skills

Available Now!

English for

New South Wales

A new workbook series to support the implementation of the NSW Curriculum.

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Junior Skills

English for
New South Wales

Insight Publications is an independent Australian-owned company with over 50 years of experience publishing English resources for secondary teachers and students. We develop innovative, engaging and evolving English resources to challenge, to inspire and to enrich learning.

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Junior English Skills 8


Junior English Skills 7 and Junior English Skills 8 are workbooks that teach junior years students the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary. They cover the foundations of English and are designed to give students a strong knowledge base for their future studies.

Both titles are divided into 26 units, each of which targets a specific English skill and includes explanations of key terms and concepts, structured examples to guide students, and short-answer and extended response questions to test students’ understanding.

VCE Revision Questions – Physics Units 3 & 4


Insight’s VCE Revision Questions are written and reviewed by highly experienced teachers and assessors, and are ideal supplementary classroom resources or tools for self-study to support students in their final year at school.

Organised by area of study, VCE Revision Questions are perfect for students looking to build on their knowledge across the entire subject area. The series provides crucial exam practice, building students’ confidence in the lead-up to VCE exams, and each title caters to the subject’s most recent Study Design.

Worked solutions and high-quality sample responses are provided for all questions, alongside tips to help students excel.

Summary Guides – Maths 9


Insight’s Summary Guides – Maths series helps students to enhance their knowledge and perform well in their year level of mathematics.

The guides are written by practising maths teachers, who are familiar with the Australian Curriculum. They are designed to be used as the principal resource or as a supplementary resource in the maths classroom. They could also be used at home as self-study tools or in partnership with a parent or guardian for front-loading of an upcoming topic at school, to revise previous years’ studies, or to consolidate topics currently being studied.

VCE English - Key Skills

Key Skills: VCE English


Covering Units 1–4 of the VCE English/EAL Study Design, Insight’s Key Skills: VCE English takes an accessible and practical approach aimed at honing students’ skills and developing their confidence.

A combined workbook and textbook, Key Skills: VCE English guides students through all assessment tasks, supported by stimulating activities, scaffolded writing exercises and easy-to-follow processes.

English Language Year 12 – Units 3 & 4


Insight’s new English Language Year 12: VCE Units 3 & 4 provides comprehensive coverage of Units 3 and 4 of the VCE English Language Study Design, to be implemented in 2024. Each chapter provides clear and thorough explanations of key knowledge, supported by linguistic theory and contemporary examples.

Written by highly experienced English Language teachers and assessors, this title provides students with clarity and direction regarding the content and Outcomes for each area of study. A variety of engaging activities will assist students to prepare for assessment tasks and lay the critical foundations for success in the end-of-year exam.

Literature for Senior Students 6th Edition


The 6th edition of Literature for Senior Students has been updated for the revised VCE Literature Study Design, to be implemented in 2023. It combines a practical approach to various writing tasks, including step-by-step processes, preparation strategies and numerous activities, with a reference section explaining essential metalanguage and literary concepts.

The 6th edition contains updated text examples and sample responses, as well as new chapters on genre, Indigenous literature and the development of different interpretations of a text.

Insight Text Guides

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Australian Curriculum English

English for NSW Series

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Insight Framework of Ideas Series

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Text Guides for VCE English / EAL Text Lists

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Insight Framework of Ideas Series

Australian Curriculum English Years 7 to 10

English for NSW Years 7 to 10

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